dinsdag 25 augustus 2009

Beweging in geluid / movement in sound

Als de speler gaat spelen
voelt hij de energie stroom.
Hij beweegt onzichtbaar
en volgt deze gewoon.

Van toon naar toon,
van stroom naar stroom.
Steeds beweegt hij echt,
maakt klank tot een kroon.

When the player is playing
he feels the energy stream.
Moving invisable,
the flow is clean.

One tone at a time,
flowing on a beam
of light and he is real.
His Crown is clean.

How I play an instrument:

I see an instrument as a living being.
I have to do that
because I want to play real LIVING music.
LIVING music is not a tune that I studied before.
LIVING music is not an improvisation.
LIVING music is not reading music paper.
It is all about moving in subtle energy.
First I make contact with an instrument.
Then I want to play real LIVING music.

Invisable I start to move, start to dance slowly.
You can not see this, only feel it in the aura.
It is like stepping out of my own body,
moving and wondering about,
like doing real invisable tai chi very slow.

The feeling is deep, it moves so pretty.
I feel myself, I feel around.
It is about nothing, it is about everything.
I MOVE, not meditate or transform.
From the center I move in an energy body.
This body is invisable.

I feel like moving in the speed of a growing plant.
I feel like a butterfly, like the sun, like the wind.
I feel like moving, making contact with wood,
strings, holes and poles, chimes and buttons.
The fingers are my language,
they are touched by that stream of energy,
that stream of sunlight so suddenly.

I move my way into space and time,
my silences are short, always short.
Sound does NOT have to wait.
I do not use that cheap trick of long silences,
sound must NOT wait, never,
Just like a heartbeat, it never stops,
just like the sniff of air, the stream of blood.
It NEVER EVER stops!

In a deep stream of energy,
feeling myself as a growing flowing plant,
the sounds follow my invisable dance,
my slow story telling,
and my fingers or my breath
tells you that unique story
that was never written before.

Story telling is more than improvisation.
Being real in an expanding energy ball
is more in the direction of the master player,
the master speaker, entertainer, dancer.
What is more?

It is the real contact without cheap tricks.
No mask, no schooltechnique, no memory.
I always know the next tone.
Why should I use memory.
I can play fast and slow,
I always know the next tone.
Playing free of memory,
free of just doing something,
free of improvisation,
free of jazz, free of patterns,
free of learning, free of class.

I am free of all that must be done.
I dive in my ocean, just dance in energy.
I am not alone while I play.
I am kissing and hugging an angel,
I touch the breasts of life giving spirits,
I drink the milk of life and death.
I fly while I play and walk without time.

Movement in sound is the very real,
it is a complete movement,
rubbing the pearls of eternal beings.
The magic is complete, it is firework,
it is the potion that makes you young,
free of time and space.

Just like I write this article,
I dance, my fingers speak,
my love is expanding
to all and to nothing.

I am empty and I am full, I dance.


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